Sound design for restaurants

A collection of links for some reading I was doing last fall for my part in a service design project. Any serious study into how sound or music might effects customers in a restaurant environment might include some more serious reading included in music cognition reading list, this reading list from Brain Pickings, and from that list This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession is particularly accessible.

Starbucks teams with Spotify to let customers influence in-store playlists

The Influence of Background Music on the Behavior of Restaurant Patrons

How Music and Noise Affect Restaurant Sales and Customer Experience

The importance of Sound Design for Restaurants
Sound Solutions – restaurant development + design

Backgrounds: Sound Design Under the Radar

Store Atmospherics & The Art of Sound Design Marketing

Julian Treasure: The 4 ways sound affects us

Sound or Noise?

Sound Effects on Behavior

Silence, please. Psychologists are increasing awareness of the harmful effects noise has on cognition and health.

Beeps and blips

Quote:“Sounds are critical,” said Donald Norman, co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group and a University of California San Diego professor emeritus in the departments of cognitive science and psychology. “You have to spend the same type of attention to designing sound as visual appearance. Companies these days always hire graphic artists. They need to hire sound artists.” ”

Why Is That Thing Beeping? A Sound Design Primer (ba)

“While a composer or sound designer�s concerns can seem esoteric to the visually oriented design world, we can engage these team members on some familiar territory when we need to work together. In composing sounds, the basic parameters of good design and process always apply. These parameters will be key in learning how to incorporate new sounds and new team members into a project.”
Read: Boxes and Arrows: Why Is That Thing Beeping? A Sound Design Primer