Is there an app for that?

There was a brief period before we realized that pursuing a passion 7 days a week required real income, where our work seemed stress-free and full of hope. We were growing, and the reviews from the stories I was writing were positive. I was dumbfounded that I could be so fortunate to pursue full-time something I had no training in or perceived aptitude at this stage of my life.

Then, we tried to make a predictable income.

We have partnered with the audio equivalent of a writer agent to handle ad sales, growth, and, in one case, language rights so that I could focus on creating cool stories and, if lucky, fund other projects that can allow us to escape the vicious world of kids advertising.

Each and every agreement has been a disappointment. Some, if I am in a mood, might be characterized as malicious.

My problem is not just wasted opportunities or not living up to our potential. It’s my inability to block the myriad of problems we face from my mind. I mull the problems over and over again. I lose sleep. And lose mindshare to problems out of my control.

Today, instead of writing stories, I am dealing with the fact that some asshole is using our name on Apple podcasts to try and game Apple’s search engine to get subscribers. He’s violating our trademark, and now I have to spend my time pursuing him.

Looking through Spotify, it’s amazing how rife the market is with people skirting copyright rules, with little to no scruples, in order to gain a couple more listens.

So, this would seem to be some kind of mindfulness hack or technique I don’t have. Blocking out the noise from the misanthropes of the world so that I can put my full attention on creating cool stuff. Is there an app.?


On Monday nights, I join a creative writing class at the high school in Montague. It’s well-attended, and it focuses on getting you to write freely. The other students have wonderful stories to tell.

I use the opportunity to get some work done.

There is something invigorating about being pressured to write to a prompt, complete the work in 40 minutes, and then share with a group of others. The work I completed then was superior to the 4 hours I spent finishing the story the next day.

Community schools are awesome. While I am in this class, Sheryl is learning to knit, Catriona is practicing TaiChi, and Camren is lifeguarding for the Special Olympics at the pool.


We have two cats now, which is a sign that we are committed to staying here in Canada against all odds. I didn’t think too hard before reaching the decision to bring new members into our family. If I had of I likely wouldn’t have, because though not as much responsibility as a dog, the daily litter box cleaning gets tiresome. The waiting outside my bedroom door at 4am, wanting to be fed, annoying. They don’t understand the coffee first rule. They do force a certain sense of calm and patience which is something I need.


Joy is sitting down in the morning writing 600 words without stopping, with the words coming out as fast as I can two finger type. No email. No browser. No procrastination.

Then, stopping to brew a cup of coffee from Myanmar, and experiencing it all over again.

Turning point

I just want to make things. And have time to dream up new things to make. This is all I really want to do.

We are at a turning point. Most similar products like ours are created by companies with an org chart, or at least by a group of individuals. They might have a CEO, developers, writers, voice over artists, sound engineers, producers etc. We have myself, and Sheryl on the weekends. Our pace is too frenetic and the work we create, from my eyes and ears, is suffering.

The decision we have right now is, do we scale up and hire, or do we find a way to scale back so that we can focus on being better. Or is there a middle ground?

I don’t want to be a manager or a boss, and I don’t want to answer to someone else. I just want to make things.